Introducing Chroma 3

Introducing Chroma 3


Palette+ upgrades most filament-based (FFF/FDM) 3D printers to print in 4+ materials with only 1 extruder. Chroma 3 is Palette+'s newest companion software that helps make this happen.

chro·ma | purity or intensity of color

To print models with pristine colors, Chroma adds transition towers to prints. When a printer changes from one filament to the next, it extrudes the mixed material on the transition tower. 

A Chromatic Vase printed by Devin Montes (Make Anything)

A transition tower and Chromatic Vase printed with Palette+. Model by Devin @ MakeAnything.

Most people are surprised by the amount of filament required to purge a nozzle cleanly (and this applies to all multi-material, single-nozzle 3D printing devices). Popular YouTubers like 3D Maker Noob have produced entire videos explaining 'the purge.'

Filament waste is by far the #1 hesitation among prospective Palette+ owners — and the community has many suggestions on how to manage the transition filament.

Comments asking "why not transition in the infill?"

Just a few of the many comments about 'purging' from various social media.

We aim to please our customers, and in that spirit, we focused our efforts on optimizing filament usage for transitions. Here are four new features that meaningfully impact filament usage.

New filament-optimizing features

Infill Transitioning

Benefits of Infill Transitioning

Infill Transitioning can reduce extra filament used for transitioning by up to 95%! Learn more about Infill Transitioning at

Side Transitioning

Benefits of Side Transitioning

Side Transitioning allows you to select a specific region to the side of the bed where your printer to transition. Great for freeing up bed space and printing faster. Enable side transitioning in Chroma:

Layer Batching

Benefits of Layer Batching

Also known as "Sequential Printing" or "Object-by-Object," this setting can meaningfully reduce the number of transitions in a print (saving time and filament). More info:

Variable Transition Lengths

Benefits of Variable Transition Lengths

Variable transition lengths allow you to use only as much filament as you need to clean out your nozzle. Transitioning to black requires less filament than transitioning to white. More info:

Together, these settings give Palette+ owners more control over their transitions (and yes, you can combine these 4 of these features simultaneously)!

Chroma 3 also features support for Tiertime printers (including the UP Box & Cetus 3D printer lines), many new printer profile presets (e.g. SeeMeCNC Artemis 300, Anycubic Delta, Fusion3 F400-S, Tevo Little Monster, Qidi Tech X-One) for quicker setup, and a whole slew of UI tweaks, bug fixes, and other improvements. Download Chroma here.

Backward-Compatible with Palette v1.0

For those of you with Palette v1.0, these features are backward-compatible—you can take advantage of these features too!

The best time to discover Palette+

With the latest Chroma 3 update, Palette+ is more powerful than ever. Palette+ is also currently in-stock and ships within a few days of ordering! Discover Palette+ and save $40 on shipping today!